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Dmytro Bohayevskyi

Dmytro Bohayevskyi

Date of disappearance: March 17, 2022

Place of disappearance: Hlibivka, Kyiv region


Dmytro Bohaievskyi is an entrepreneur from Hlibivka, in the Kyiv region. When the full-scale invasion of Russia began, he stayed at home and looked after the local cottage community. On March 16, the occupiers illegally searched these houses, and on March 17, Dmytro was abducted allegedly for “opposing the special military operation (SVO)”. Along with him, the Russians also took Oleksandr Chyrkov, who lived nearby. For several days, Tetiana and Ihor Bohaievskyi tried to find out from the Russians where their son was and to at least send him warm socks and medicine, as Dmytro suffers from allergies and asthma. However, the occupiers did not disclose his whereabouts, and during the de-occupation, they fled, taking with them the Ukrainians they had illegally detained. Ihor and Tetiana searched for their son in all the surrounding villages and towns but to no avail. They only found other prisoners whom the occupiers had abandoned in basements, but there was no news about Dmytro. Only later did freed civilians and military personnel tell Bohaievskyi’s parents that the Russians had first held him illegally in a Bryansk detention center and then transferred him to Tula. There, the Russians feed Ukrainians terribly, force them to sing the Russian anthem, and even stage mock executions. Due to the poor conditions, Dmytro lost a significant amount of weight. “I would never have thought he had been so full-figured,” one of the freed prisoners told Tetiana Bohaievska.

This publication was compiled with the support of the International RenaissanceFoundation. It’s content is the exclusive responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the International Renaissance Foundation.


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