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Musayev Ramiz 

Musayev Ramiz 

Date of abduction: February 26, 2022 

Place of abduction: Ozero village, Kyiv region 


On February 26, 2022, Ramiz Musayev, a 27-year-old brick factory worker from the village of Lubianka, Kyiv region, was supposed to pick up a relative from the neighboring village of Ozeri. Ramiz set off with a family friend and his sister’s husband.

— “They went to a neighboring village four kilometers away from home,” says Olha, Ramiz’s sister, “but they never got in touch again. “After the de-occupation of Kyiv region, we found out that the boys were stopped by the Russian military, searched their car, and taken to the already seized Gostomel airport.

The cold storage facilities of Gostomel airport are one of the largest places of detention of civilians and prisoners of war in the north of the country. Other hostages of the MHRC have reported that Russians conducted brutal interrogations and beat and abused Ukrainians there. At least one civilian was killed, and his body was hidden on the territory of the airport. Ukrainians were often not given food. There were cases when detainees were given one Russian ration for 30 people. The prisoners were also forced to load the corpses of Russian soldiers.

Then all three were transferred to the Kursk pre-trial detention center and later to a penal colony in the Kursk region. In the summer of 2022, Ramiz’s family received a letter from him, from which it became known that the man had been transferred to Crimea, and that he was holding on and sending greetings to his family.

—  “I know from my released husband that Ramiz was taken to Crimea in September 2022,” says Olha, “and in 2023, it became known that he was transferred to a colony in the Tula region again. However, according to the latest information, my brother is being held in a general regime colony in Kamensk-Shakhtynsk, Rostov Oblast.

Witnesses, whom Olga found, said that Ramiz Musayev has lost weight, but he does not lose faith in returning home. He dreams of playing sports and is waiting for his release.

This publication was compiled with the support of the International RenaissanceFoundation. It’s content is the exclusive responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the International Renaissance Foundation.


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