Oleksandr Slisarenko

Oleksandr Slisarenko
Date of disappearance: August 3, 20222
Place of disappearance: Hornostayivka village, Kherson region
Oleksandr Slisarenko is the head of the Territorial Center for Social Services and Social Services for Families, Children and Youth and the head of the Land Commission of the Gornostayivka Community of the Kherson Region. After the start of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, he did not leave the city because the Russians often shot at civilian cars trying to evacuate. According to eyewitnesses, on August 3, 2022, Russian soldiers surrounded Alexander’s house with military equipment, Slisarenko was beaten for several hours on the street, and then put in a bag over his head and taken to an unknown destination.
It is still unknown where the Russians are holding Oleksandr. Civilians who were held by the occupiers in the police station in Hornostayivka did not see Slisarenko there. The Russians claim that they do not know where the man is. Currently, Oleksandr’s family is cooperating with law enforcement and human rights activists to find out at least something about his fate.
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