Oleksii Kravets

Oleksii Kravets
Date of disappearance: January 22, 2022
Place of disappearance: Sofiyivka village, Kherson region
Oleksii Kravets is a resident of the village of Sofiivka, Kherson region. Before the Russian invasion, he worked as a railroad security guard and was also involved in power sports, participating in the “Bogatyr Games.”
Since the occupation of the Kakhovka district began, Oleksii Kravets has been a volunteer. He evacuated people from the occupied territory and brought food and medicine to the village.
On January 22, 2023, he was captured by the Russian military from his home. Oleksii Kravtsov was accused of blowing up the car of Andrii Shtepa, who was appointed by the occupiers as the head of the villages of Liubymivka and Vasylivka in Kakhovka district in July 2022. The explosion took place on December 22, 2022, and Shtepa died on the spot.
Alla Kravets, Oleksii’s wife, says her husband was not involved. “He was not at the site of the explosion at the time. He was taking a cancer patient to Crimea for treatment,” says Alla.
After the capture, Oleksii Kravets was kept in the basement of a boarding house in the city of Henichesk and then for several months in the Chongar detention center. After that, Kravets was taken to the territory of Russia, where he was held in pre-trial detention centers in the Rostov region.
In November 2023, the Southern District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don sentenced Kravets to 18 years in a strict regime colony with the first 3 years in prison and a fine of 550 thousand rubles. On 13.05.2024, the Military Court of Appeal in Vlasikha, Moscow Region, upheld the verdict against Kravets.
This publication was compiled with the support of the International RenaissanceFoundation. It’s content is the exclusive responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the International Renaissance Foundation.