Lidia Tarash

Ukrainian pilots Oleksandr Morozov and Dmytro Shymanskyi have been sentenced in Moscow to 22 and 26 years of imprisonment. The Russians convicted them as terrorists, even though they are, in fact, servicemen of the Ukrainian army. However, unlike Shymanskyi, Morozov is not recognized as a prisoner of war even in Ukraine.
5 March 2025

The Regional Center for Human Rights, along with its partners – the Media Initiative for Human Rights, the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, Yahad-In Unum, OSINT FOR UKRAINE and the Olenivka Community – filed a Submission with the International Criminal Court calling for an investigation into the mass murder and torture of Ukrainian prisoners of war in Olenivka.
11 December 2024

Russian investigators have classified the case of Ukrainian small aircraft pilot Oleksandr Morozov, who was detained in the Bryansk region. Even the accused's family does not know what is happening in the trial. Oleksandr is being held in the Lefortovo detention center in Moscow. His wife says that her husband was beaten and tortured in custody.
11 July 2024

Several thousand Ukrainian marines are in captivity. Most of them have been kept since the first months of the war. They are rarely exchanged, and have almost never been released lately. The marines are held compactly in several colonies. They are subjected to cruel treatment and illegal prosecution. Many marines are in critical condition, and some of them die in captivity.
27 June 2024

In the occupied territories of Ukraine, Russia systematically persecutes journalists. As of today, MIHR knows of 31 Ukrainian media workers held captive by Russia. Among them are those abducted back in 2014, as well as those captured during the full-scale invasion. According to the Institute of Mass Information, as of May 8, 2024, due to Russian aggression, 80 media workers have died, 10 of whom while in the line of duty. In many cases, the fate of Ukrainian media workers captured by Russia remains unknown.
30 May 2024