Ihor Palamarchuk

Ihor Palamarchuk
Date of disappearance: August 16, 2022
Place of disappearance: Bilozerka village, Kherson region
Ihor Palamarchuk is an entrepreneur from the village of Bilozerka in Kherson region. After the occupation, he decided to evacuate his wife while he remained at home. The man was first detained in June 2022. “The Russian military set up a torture chamber in the local prosecutor’s office, and that’s where Ihor was taken. They beat the man, took him to the field four times and simulated an execution. At the time of his detention, he was 52 years old and looked his age, and when he was released ten days later, he looked like an old man,” says Liubov, Ihor’s wife. Palamarchuk told her that civilians were tortured with electric shocks, and he constantly heard screams in the room. They hardly fed them: instead of food, they threw bread on the floor. Palamarchuk was abducted for the second time on August 16, 2022. For a long time, his fate was unknown. After the village was liberated in the fall of 2022, his family tried to find out where he had disappeared to, but no one knew anything. One day, in a Russian media story about captured Ukrainians, Liubov Palamarchuk saw a gaunt man who looked like Ihor. The HRMMU found a prisoner of war released as a result of the exchange, who confirmed that he had seen Ihor Palamarchuk in one of the detention centers in the Russian Federation. There are prisoners of war and civilian Ukrainians held there. The conditions of detention are terrible: prisoners are often beaten and not provided with medical care. For a year, Igor Palamarchuk’s family has not received official confirmation of where and why he is being held by Russia.