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Media Initiative for Human Rights was awarded  by The Embassy of the Netherlands  with Human Rights Embassy Tulip
Media Initiative for Human Rights was awarded by The Embassy of the Netherlands with Human Rights Embassy Tulip

Reward ceremony took place in Kyiv, December, 5. “This is our fifth ceremony. Your work is highly […]

6 December 2022

Crimes in Olenivka: Chronology, Testimonies and Names of Those Involved
Crimes in Olenivka: Chronology, Testimonies and Names of Those Involved

The history of creation and operation of the most notorious place used for detention of civilians and […]

1 December 2022

“He was Hard to Deal with”: Oleksandr Babych, the Mayor of Hola Prystan, has been Held in the Crimea Pre-Trial Detention Center for Eight Months
Other war crimes
“He was Hard to Deal with”: Oleksandr Babych, the Mayor of Hola Prystan, has been Held in the Crimea Pre-Trial Detention Center for Eight Months

Oleksandr Babych, the Mayor of Hola Prystan, Kherson Region, disappeared at the end of March. He is […]

29 November 2022

Geneva Conventions violations by the Russian Federation prior to February 24: detention of Viacheslav Shabolda, a Donetsk resident
Quasi-legal system
Geneva Conventions violations by the Russian Federation prior to February 24: detention of Viacheslav Shabolda, a Donetsk resident

Before February 24, civilians were also detained in Donetsk, accused of sabotage and espionage for the benefit […]

29 November 2022

Russians arranged a so-called prison for civilians in Biliaivka of the Kherson region. The story of three months in captivity
Other war crimes
Russians arranged a so-called prison for civilians in Biliaivka of the Kherson region. The story of three months in captivity

Russians kept Serhii Urodlivchenko in captivity for three months. A small room that looked like a closet became a so-called prison for 11 illegally abducted people from the Kherson region. Some of them did not survive tortures. Learn about it from the story of Serhii from Liubymivka.

22 November 2022

Medicine Under Occupation: Overseer from Tuva, Russian Doctors, and Detention for Refusing to Cooperate
Other war crimes
Medicine Under Occupation: Overseer from Tuva, Russian Doctors, and Detention for Refusing to Cooperate

“At the beginning of June, the Kherson Regional Clinical Hospital was an island of the Ukrainian state […]

10 November 2022

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