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Medicine Under Occupation: Overseer from Tuva, Russian Doctors, and Detention for Refusing to Cooperate
Other war crimes
Medicine Under Occupation: Overseer from Tuva, Russian Doctors, and Detention for Refusing to Cooperate

“At the beginning of June, the Kherson Regional Clinical Hospital was an island of the Ukrainian state […]

10 November 2022

Life under occupation: organizing a manipulation room to treat shrapnel wounds
Other war crimes
Life under occupation: organizing a manipulation room to treat shrapnel wounds

For six and a half months of occupation of the village of Vysokopillia, Nadiia Tsalinska had been treating people at her place. She and her friend helped the wounded and sick because they were no other medical workers in the village. MIHR journalists recorded Ms. Nadiia’s unique story during their field mission in the Kherson region.

5 November 2022

The Unwanted: how occupiers torture Ukrainian activists and then deport some from Melitopol
Other war crimes
The Unwanted: how occupiers torture Ukrainian activists and then deport some from Melitopol

Without electricity, water, or food: they kept pro-Ukrainian activists in garages, containers, and pre-trial detention centers for […]

1 November 2022

The road of death: The shooting of civilians on the Kreminna-Lyman road
The road of death: The shooting of civilians on the Kreminna-Lyman road

“My wife said to me: ‘Look, the military are there.’ And they were lined up in a […]

28 October 2022

Detention after the pseudo-referendum: in the Kherson region, people get kidnapped for refusing to vote
Quasi-legal system
Detention after the pseudo-referendum: in the Kherson region, people get kidnapped for refusing to vote

The Russian Federation held a so-called referendum on the accession to Russia in the occupied territories of […]

21 October 2022

No defense guaranteed in case of detention: the way so-called attorneys work in the occupied territories
Quasi-legal system
No defense guaranteed in case of detention: the way so-called attorneys work in the occupied territories

Since 2014, thousands of inhabitants of the occupied territories have been imprisoned on such charges as “involvement […]

10 August 2022

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